Thursday, 3 November 2011


My investigation is to mainly see how abandonment and hurt is shown through lyrics and the power of the lyrics in the certain semantics the artist has used. I had a lot of choice about the songs i could you but eventually came to a decision and chose the famous John Lennon and his song "Mother"
I chose this song because it is actually a cry to both of his parents, who abandoned him in his childhood. His father Alfred Lennon left the family when John was an infant; his mother Julia, who didn't live with her son although they had a good relationship, was hit and killed by a car driven by a drunk off-duty policeman when John Lennon was 17. He wrote the song as if he was saying it and used "I" to show that it is a very personal and serious message to his parents about how he feels.
The other song is Abandonment by Bif Naked. Now the title pretty much explain what the song is about and shows the theme clearly aswell as the lyrics enforce the theme. Bif Naked seems to relate to this song a lot as she was born from a teenage couple in boarding school and was subsequently adopted. The main language in her song is about pain and hurt and really differs from the repetitive language of John Lennons lyrics.
I plan to gather information from both genders and what they think of the way the meaning is shown and come across as. Giving them the lyrics on the sheet an them reading and simply giving me and anwser is how i plan to ask them and will ask a different range of people. I will see if the different genders think differently on the subject and why that might be. 

1 comment:

  1. I've downloaded your postings into one Word document and then made notes for you in it.
    My notes etc have been emailed to you, so please check your email carefully.
    In my notes you'll find that I have made a number of suggestions about how you can focus your ideas a bit more effectively. Please think about them carefully and then adjust your writing accordingly.
